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Incite Awards Entry

What To Expect And Tips For Preparing Your INCITE Awards Entry

The first round of the 33st INCITE Awards requires entrants to complete an online submission. Your online submission is integral as it will be the information that our panel of judges will use to determine whether you are selected as a finalist to go through to the second stage the of Awards program.

So what can you expect?

The information you will need to  prepare and submit your entry online include:

  1. Selecting the category you would like to enter and the title of your entry;
  2. Your details – contact details, organisation/agency/student details and whether it is a team or joint submission;
  3. Criteria requirements:
    • A 50 word key pitch of your entry;
    • A 250 word summary about you/your organisation/agency
    • A 250 word summary of your product/service
    • Criteria relevant to the specific category – typically the criteria allows up to 350 words per criteria
    • Final pitch of 100 words – your opportunity to explain why your entry deserves to be worthy of being a finalist to go through to round 2
  4. Supporting documentation – a logo, files to support your entry and photos of the nominees
  5. Team information (if applicable)
  6. Joint Submission information (if applicable)
  7. Referees – two independent referee contact details to be provided, it is important to make sure your referees are independent and are available when contacted
  8. Media – social media information we can use as part of our marketing of entrants and the awards.

An important tip before you start your online submission

Many entrants get quite detailed on what they or their product do and to some extent how they do it, but do not answer all the criteria or does not provide enough relevant information. It then makes it difficult for the judges to determine:

  • what problem  you are solving,
  • what the solution is,
  • who it helps and,
  • why it is innovative.

It is easy to lose these key messages in the form when you are completing question after question. Therefore it is important to leave enough time to do a first pass completion of the form, step back and come back with a fresh pair of eyes.  This will help refine your entry so you can make sure that you do not only answer the questions, but you also demonstrate why your project is innovative and why it deserves to be a finalist.

Tips for an award-winning submission

Answer the criteria

The INCITE Awards judges are judging based on the information requested and the information provided.  If you do not provide the relevant information or your response does not address the criteria, it will impact on the scoring process and whether you go through as a finalist to the second round of judging. 

Show how you and your tech stand out from the crowd

The awards is a competitive process. Therefore you need to think how best to stand out from the crowd.

Provide information on how the problem is currently solved and demonstrate how your solution is unique, disrupts the market and is innovative.  The awards recognise innovation and excellence – keep this in mind.

Provide evidence and back up your statements!

Explain to the judges the quantum of the problem, who it impacts and who benefits from your solution. Where you make a claim, back it up with statistics, testimonials and clear examples. Compare this to what your competition is doing and show how your solution is better, more innovative and how it demonstrates excellence.

Ask someone else to review your entry

We often work within our business and live and breathe our solution. And we expect others to understand what it is and how we do it, when we have not explained it clearly yet.

Leave enough time and get someone else to review your entry to make sure you answered what was asked but also to check that your message is clear. Remember the judges will have to understand your entry based on what you submitted against other entries.  The better prepared – the better the chance of being judged as a finalist.

Let your title tell the story of your submission

Winning often starts with the selection of your title for your entry.  It is the first thing the judges see and if they can then already understand what your entry is about, it will certainly help with the judging process. Spend time on developing a catchy title for your entry.

Final pitch – why your entry deserves to be a winner

The title of your entry is an opportunity to clearly articulate what your entry is about – so  the final pitch is an opportunity to clearly demonstrate why your solution deserves to be recognised and why it stands out from the competition. Use these opportunities to cement in with the judges what problem you solve, how your way of solving it is more innovative and unique than others entering the awards. Seize the moment and solidify the quality of your entry.

Good luck from the INCITE Committee!

The 33st INCITE Awards committee and judging panel wishes all innovators the best of luck for your entries.

We look forward to another year of showcasing Western Australia’s technology and digital leaders.  Should you have any questions on entering the INCITE Awards, please send an email to

Get excited - entries for the 2024 INCITE Awards are now open!

The INCITE Awards are your platform to amplify the innovative work you’re doing to benefit WA and the wider community. With support from our patron, neuroscientist and educator Lyn Beazley, previous INCITE Awards winners and our media partners, winning at INCITE could be the kick-start you’re looking for.

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